On the Subject of Cruel Colour Flash
Turns out it’s a bit harder...
- A Cruel Colour Flash module will display a continuous transmission of different words representing different colours.
- This transmission can be broken down into six repeating Morse code transmissions, one for each of the three R, G, and B components belonging to both the words displayed and the colours they are displayed in.
- The characters corresponding to the Morse code transmissions are to be interpreted as base 36 numbers.
- The numbers belonging to either the words or the colours correspond to functions, with the other being the inputs of those functions.
- Applying each function to the input that shares its RGB component yields three output values.
- These values are used to determine the final value of the module. This value corresponds to a rule that determines which button must be pressed and when it must be pressed in order to solve the module.
(All numbers in this manual following this sentence are in base 36.)
If there is a duplicate word number, the word numbers correspond to functions. Otherwise if there is a duplicate colour number, the colour numbers correspond to functions. Otherwise if any word number is the same as any colour number, the colour numbers correspond to inputs. Otherwise if three or more transmitted numbers are less than A, the word numbers correspond to inputs. Otherwise if no transmitted numbers are less than A, the word numbers correspond to functions. Otherwise if the serial number contains two or more transmitted numbers, the colour numbers correspond to functions. Otherwise if the serial number contains no transmitted numbers, the colour numbers correspond to inputs. Otherwise count the number of batteries on the bomb and zero-index into the serial number, wrapping around if there are more than five batteries: If the serial number character at the above index is a numeric digit, the word numbers correspond to inputs. Otherwise the colour numbers correspond to inputs. |